Dear all,
I am pleased to announce the upcoming seminar this Friday (December 20th), 10:30 - 11:30.
Speaker: Soyeon Kim (University of California, Davis)
Title: Braid variety cluster structure
Time: Dec. 20, Friday, 10:30 - 11:30
Venue: KIAS, Surim 204
Abstract: In 2022, it is shown by two groups of authors that braid variety admits a cluster structure. Casals-Gorsky-Gorsky-Le-Shen-Simental explained a cluster structure on braid varieties using a combinatorial model called weaves, while Galashin-Lam-Sherman-Bennett-Speyer introduced the combinatorial model called the 3D plabic graph to describe a cluster structure. In this talk, I will mainly review both combinatorial models and talk about relating one with another. This is a joint work with Roger Casals and Daping Weng.
Looking forward to seeing you at the seminar!
Best regards,
Jaeseong Oh