Team Seminar Announcement (5.14)

다음 주에 있을 발표를 안내 드립니다. Léo Buisine 학생은 두 번의 시리즈 발표를 할 예정입니다.
발표자 : Léo Buisine 주제 : Physics for W-algebraists : Part 1 초록 : During this talk, I will try to introduce quantum field theories and some fundamental results about 2D conformal field theories, in preparation for Part 2. After a discussion on the intuition behind quantum mechanics and quantum field theories, we will think about the Wightman's axioms leading to vertex algebras. We will then switch to 2D conformal field theories, and derive the VIrasoro algebra from these axioms. Reformulating in the Lagrangian formalism will lead us to the Ward identities, helping us derive the energy-momentum tensor. Finally, we will apply these results in the study of the free boson. All of these notions will prepare my next talk, where I will cover the WZW-model (affine Kac-Moody algebras) and Toda field theories (W-algebras).
일시 : 5월 14일 오후 3시 30분 장소 : 129동 309호 참고문헌 : Introduction to Quantum Field Theory for Mathematicians, Sourav Chatterjee Orbifolds in Conformal Field theories, myself (this paper contains some errors but most ideas are in it)
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Dear all,
I would like to inform you of the seminar next week. Léo Buisine will give two series of talks.
Speaker : Léo Buisine Topic : Physics for W-algebraists : Part 1 Abstract : During this talk, I will try to introduce quantum field theories and some fundamental results about 2D conformal field theories, in preparation for Part 2. After a discussion on the intuition behind quantum mechanics and quantum field theories, we will think about the Wightman's axioms leading to vertex algebras. We will then switch to 2D conformal field theories, and derive the VIrasoro algebra from these axioms. Reformulating in the Lagrangian formalism will lead us to the Ward identities, helping us derive the energy-momentum tensor. Finally, we will apply these results in the study of the free boson. All of these notions will prepare my next talk, where I will cover the WZW-model (affine Kac-Moody algebras) and Toda field theories (W-algebras). Date : May 14th, 3:30 PM Venue : 129동 309호 References : Introduction to Quantum Field Theory for Mathematicians, Sourav Chatterjee Orbifolds in Conformal Field theories, myself (this paper contains some errors but most ideas are in it)
We look forward to your attendence.
Best regards, Dong-Jun Choi
participants (1)