
다음 주에 있을 발표를 안내 드립니다.

발표자 : Léo Buisine
주제 : Physics for W-algebraists : Part 2
초록 : In this talk, I will try to motivate and derive quantum W-algebras. Following the historical study of RCFTs, we will first motivate the search for RCFTs, and give a general physicist's definition for W-algebras. We will then look at the WZW-model which generates affine Kac-Moody algebras, and how to reduce it to get the quantum W-algebras known to mathematicians. In doing so, we will go through Toda field theories and Casimir algebras. 
일시 : 5월 28일 오후 3시 30분
장소 : 129동 309호
참고문헌 : 
Wess-Zumino-Witten Models, Lorenz Eberhardt
W-symmetry in Conformal Field Theory, Peter Bouwknegt and Kareljan Schoutens

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최동준 드림

Dear all,

I would like to inform you of the seminar next week.

Speaker : Léo Buisine
Topic : Physics for W-algebraists : Part 2
Abstract : In this talk, I will try to motivate and derive quantum W-algebras. Following the historical study of RCFTs, we will first motivate the search for RCFTs, and give a general physicist's definition for W-algebras. We will then look at the WZW-model which generates affine Kac-Moody algebras, and how to reduce it to get the quantum W-algebras known to mathematicians. In doing so, we will go through Toda field theories and Casimir algebras. 
Date : May 28th, 3:30 PM
Venue : 129동 309호
References : 
Wess-Zumino-Witten Models, Lorenz Eberhardt
W-symmetry in Conformal Field Theory, Peter Bouwknegt and Kareljan Schoutens

Best regards,
Dong-Jun Choi