표현론 팀원 여러분께,
Jim Haglund 교수님의 강연 정보를 전달해 드립니다.
날짜: 5. 3 (Fri), 2024 오후 2시
장소: KIAS 1423호
Title: Superization of Symmetric Functions
Abstract: Given a symmetric function G(X), and an identity expressing G as a sum of Gessel Fundamental quasisymmetric functions,
one can obtain a seemingly more general identity involving two sets of variables X, Y using the technique of "superization".
We overview this technique, and give some significant examples including
1) The proof of the HHL combinatorial formula for Macdonald polynomials
2) Showing how a plethystic substitution into LLT polynomials transforms fillings into nonattacking fillings.
In the single-cell case, this can be interpreted as restricting weighted sums over colorings of certain graphs to
weighted sums over proper colorings.
이수홍 올림