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이수홍 올림


Date:  2024-12-02 (월요일) 15:00 ~ 17:00 
Place:  129-406
Speaker:  이신명 (고등과학원)
Title:  On finite-dimensional representations of quantum affine superalgebras of type A
Although there has been several progress on finite-dimensional representations of quantum affine superalgebras, most of key results in non-super theory are still missing. This talk aims to demonstrate difficulties and peculiarities arising in super theory. For this, we first review what is known (and not known) about finite-dimensional representations of quantum affine superalgebras of type A, mainly in terms of Drinfeld presentation and from purely representation-theoretic point of view. Then we discuss some super phenomena and hence which kind of statements can be expected for super, including the theory of q-characters.