구독자 여러분께,
서강대에서 열리는 표현론 강연에 대해 안내드립니다.
장소: 서강대학교 R관 14층 세미나실 1418호
시간: 12월 19일 목요일 16:00 - 18:00
강연 후 저녁식사가 있을 예정입니다. 관심 있으신 분들의 많은 참석 바랍니다.
이수홍 올림
A mini-workshop on Representation Theory at Sogang
16:00 ~ 16:40 정우석 (서울시립대)
Title: Twist automorphism of quantum unipotent coordinate ring and their period
Let N^w denote the unipotent cell associated with an element w of a Weyl group. The twist automorphism of N^w is a structure closely related to total positivity. When w is the longest element of type A_n, this automorphism is known to exhibit 6-periodicity. In this work, we provide a combinatorial description of the twist automorphism and investigate its periodic behavior for Weyl group elements beyond the longest element.
This is ongoing joint work with Euiyong Park.
16:50 ~ 17:30 김영훈(서울대 수리과학부 QSMS)
Title: A classification of weak Bruhat interval modules of 0-Hecke algebras
In 2022, Jung—Kim—Lee—Oh introduced weak Bruhat interval modules of 0-Hecke algebras of type A as a unified framework for studying various 0-Hecke modules. The concept was extended to finite Coxeter types by Defant—Searles and Bardwell—Searles. Recently, Yang and Yu showed that two weak Bruhat interval modules of a 0-Hecke algebra are isomorphic if and only if their underlying weak Bruhat intervals are descent-preserving isomorphic. In this talk, we will study the results established by Yang and Yu.
17:30 ~ 18:00
연구 과제 토론