Dear all,

The upcoming CART seminar is scheduled on November 8th (Friday), 10:00 - 11:00 (Korea time).

Speaker: Amanda Burcroff (Harvard University)

TitleScattering Diagram and Generalized Positivity

AbstractCluster algebras are celebrated for their intriguing positivity properties. Two distinct proofs of this positivity have emerged: one through the combinatorics of Dyck paths, and another via scattering diagrams, which originate from mirror symmetry and were previously not combinatorially understood. Combining these approaches, we find a directly computable, manifestly positive, and elementary but highly nontrivial formula describing rank 2 scattering diagrams. Using this, we prove the Laurent positivity of generalized cluster algebras of all ranks, resolving a conjecture of Chekhov and Shapiro from 2014. This is joint work with Kyungyong Lee and Lang Mou.

You can join the seminar via the following

Zoom link

Meeting ID889 2476 4772


Please feel free to forward this to anyone who might be interested. You can check out further information on CART seminar on our website (

Looking forward to seeing you at the seminar!

Best regards,

Jaeseong Oh